How To Create APK File From Project (Eclipse) For Android Mobile Or Device – Get APK File From Eclipse Project
Create or get APK file from your android project development in eclipse is the first level to test your project for in mobile use. many of the developer have many confusion to get APK file of the current project. But it is so simple you can get APK file for your particular project or android application in a minute.
Note: You don’t have to create APK file at any time. It will be automatically generate under the bin folder in your workspace.
Step by Step guide to create or get APK file from your android project
Step 1, Go current workspace on your hard drive
Android Work space
Step 2, Go in your project > bin
Android Work space create APK file
Step 3, You will found same name project name with .APK file. Ex, You can see apk file with name bluetoothsample.apk file.
Android Work space get APK file
Connect your mobile to computer. Just copy that file and past in your mobile. Disconnect mobile from PC. Prepared your SD card. Find the APK file in your mobile. Hit the double click.