How To Create APK File From Project For Android Mobile Or Device – Get APK File From Eclipse Project
08 October 2021
You wouldn't be knowing it that even you are a part of some or the other Digital marketing campaign running in some part of the world. Digital Marketing has become so common in our lives but yet many of us don't know much about it. That is why, in this article of mine I thought of giving you an overview of one of the commonest things in our life which is 'Digital Marketing'. But before giving you the overview of the subject, I'll like to tell you that Digital Marketing is not the kind of subject which needs too much of brain-storming, it just needs good presence of mind,common sense and a habit of researching. If you feel a little interested in this subject after reading this article, you must continue re-searching on the subject and if you are stuck, then feel free to ask your doubts by e-mailing me on CONTACT.IVNAP@GMAIL.COM or you can ask them in the comment's section!!
First of all, what is this Digital marketing?
Digital Marketing is simply, 'marketing on the digital platform'. Digital platforms may include websites, apps, videos etc. You all would be knowing that nearly every person on Earth is there on some or the other digital platform, so doesn't it make sense for a company to advertise digitally.
I'll give you an example:
Suppose there's an educational institute at Mumbai which wants to advertise for some of it's courses.
Conventional Marketing method: Put a big advertisement just outside Bombay's most crowded railway station (possibly, Andheri or Thane). How many people do you think would see the advertisement per day?
50000,75000,1 lakh......Ok, let's take 2 lakhs
But, how many people do you think, would join the course or even go on that institute's website?
The answer is, not even 0.5 %
Damn, you spend so much but then too the conversion rate is not even 1%. This happens because conventional marketing methods target irrelevant people in great numbers.
"The best part about Digital Marketing is that it targets relevant audience unlike Conventional Marketing methods"
Where can you find your audience on the Internet?
You now know that Digital Marketing is effective, but a question arises,"Where to do digital Marketing?" As we know that the internet is very vast, so you need to select the platforms where you market your product or company or even yourself.
List of common platforms:
You yourself would be visiting these websites very frequently like billions of people in the world. Hence, for any digital marketer, it's very important to advertise on these platforms. Now, let's look at each of these platforms individually.